Friday, 21 October 2011

williams letter

Dear Sir Alex Fegurson

I am writing to talk to you respect in football. No-one but a complete idiot would belive that the respectof fans at the moment is perfect .I think that this needs to change amediatly.

The fans respect is alright, it is getting better at the amount of respect. We all  no that there needs to be more more and even more respect, in this club.But do you want a smashed stadium or not .

If you are a football fan you will now about the respect in football matches there is alot of bad respect .there could be egnormous diffrence for players if they never ever do swaring or fighting ever again.

The fans thought that the respect is terrible this needs to inprove amediatly .this needs to be no booing, no swaring and defintley no punching(kicking)

yours sincererly


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Walking along avenida paulista in Sao paulo

sao paulo

This is a picture of a sao paulo bulding it is a Jack

avenida paulista by megan and evie

Avenida paulista is insao paulo witch is in brazil.The lenghth of the avenue is 2.8 kilometres.It has many beautiful buildings and nice things to see.Its nearly full of sky scrapers that tower over the city.Comepared to most  normal streets this street is amazing!

sao paulo

sao paulo
this is avenu paulista and it is a really nice place

Avenida Paulista

This is Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo. (Brazil) We are learning about it at the moment.
By Mary + Matilda ...

Paulista Avenue

Paulista is home to a small native forest. It has a rose specimens planted in the turn of the 19th century and the begging of the 20th century.                                                The avenue has an efficient subway sytsem
 File:Avenida Paulista - 13 - Petrobras - reflexo.JPG

By Ethan, Daniel and Joe

Avenida paulista - sao paulo

    This is Avenida paulista in Sao paulo (brazil) by Oscar & Danielle!

sao paulo paulista avenue

Sao Paulo is considered the cultural capital of the country, therefore this city keeps some of the most imresive museums in Brazil. One of these museums is the “Museo de Arte de Sao Paulo”, also known as M.A.S.P. it is a beautiful building located at “Paulista Avenue”, the main avenue of Sao Paulo. The museum is not very large; but owns a nice collection of local and international art pieces. The main pieces are located in the second floor, where it is located the permanent collection, which is composed by works of famous painters  like “Cezanne”, “Monet”, “Goya”, “Picasso”, “Van Gogh”, “Rodin” nearly others, as good as all
Paulista Avenue in Sao Paulo, Brazil
works of famous Brazilian artists like “Di Cavalcanti” or “Candido Portinari”.

avenida paulista sao paulo

paulista is a very interesting avenues ,with many shops and resteaurants.With ginormous buildings and fancy dance clubs.paulista avenue is one of the most inportant avenues.Being one of the highist points in sao paulo .The road is served by a subway line.Its estimated that more than 800'000 paulistas cummute to avenida paulista daily.

By Joseph and William

Building avenida paulista

avenida paullista

we are learning about avenida paullista and it,s buldings there very ,very,very BIG and expexeve and comershal

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Football mood boards.

Today in  year 5 we did football mood boards and we stuck matirials in our art books and we did diffrent coloured matirials to express fealings when you are at a football match.
We also had to draw pictures and diffrent colours like : dark coloures, bright coloures and other coloures.
                                                                                                                  By Daniella.x
Today we have been making mood boards out of matirals.

Football mood board

Football match mood board

Football match moodboard

Football match moodboard

Football match moodboard

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

L.S Lowry

LS lowry was a very talented painter and he was born 1887 1976. Mos of his painting were from places in salford one of his most famous paintings is callde goimg to the math her it is. By Joe 

The lowry

THE lowry is a place where they make paintings and put them
up for an exhibition so every body can come and look.
some of  the painting are Nealy hundred
year's old there is one painting it is made by
l.a lowry.

THIS is could  going to the match it is a painting by
a man could l.a Lowry  he is an old man he  started painting when
his mother died one of his paintings was this one it is the
going to the match .


This is the lowry painting ( going to the match ).It was made in the painter ls lowry in lancashire.

L.S Lowry

L.s Lowry was born in November 1,1887 in Manchester England.
L.s Lowry was a British painter England February 23, 1976 Glossop, Derbyshire English painter noted for his industrial landscapes that express the Bleakness and Modern urban loeliness of life.
                                                                                                                               By Daniella


The going to the match picture is Lowry's best picture. By Oscar and Ethan
This is the Lowry (going to the match).

L.S Lowry

L.S Lowry was a  english artist who lived in Salford.He painted many pictures and one of them was the match picture. He is a great artist and we are going to be looking at some of his pictures in art.By Evie