Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
My Hindu Myth!
My Hindu Myth!
There once lived a dwarf called Vamana, he was the shortest in the land. He had a beautiful wife named Melisha! She was a lovely and beautiful wife, probably the most caring women in the land. There was also a horrible, wicked, demon named Kali. People called her the dark mother, her name came from Kala which means the lord of death!
By Eliza!
Once apon a time there was a hero called Vishnu as Varaha.He was the strongest boar in the world.There was also a deadly godess Kali.She was so deadly she weared a belt of heads anda neckless of skulls.Varaha is well known for his heroic acts.Kali is known for her scimtar which is a giant metal sword.
Once upon a time there was a half/man half/lion figure .Its name was the man lion who had eight arms,lions face and a human body.But the land was not al;l happy his arch enemy Rakshasa who possesed humans destereded/haunted sacrivaces and had venums finger nails.His name was used as giant .people say he was a wicke human with a possed sole .With two tongues one for human flesh the other for spoilt blood he was merciless and importal.who did not like the man lion!
My hindu myth intro
Oce upon a time there was a strong,feirce fish called matsya who had a clever sister called Ranananamusa.There was also a evil demon called Kali.He had 20 RED heads and was a blood eater.But he was scared of babies cring and ants.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
hindu demons
the vetala is a evil sprit in indian volktore who haunts cemeteries and people and takes domonic possion of corpes
these creaturs can be really dangerous. A vetala is a ghost that kills people they trouble humons . a sorcer once asked as a king vikramadityd to capture a vetala who lived in a tree that stood in the middle of a cremation ground .
by xena georgiou
Kali is not a demon and she dose not belong to this section. However people from other cleters see its from godess as demonic.
naomi lawrinson
naomi lawrinson
Kali the hindu demon
She is represented at the consort of lord shiva.Her name means time or death.She is the godess of time and charge.She uses something called a scimator to kill people.She wears a belt of heads with there arms sticking out.She has 10 arms.
She is represented at the consort of lord shiva.Her name means time or death.She is the godess of time and charge.She uses something called a scimator to kill people.She wears a belt of heads with there arms sticking out.She has 10 arms.
kali the demon
By Daniel , Addy and Elliott
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
He is known primarly as the great pretector'who specifically defend and pretects his devotes in time of need.
It is beleived by followers that Narasimha protects his sincere devotes when they are in extreme danger.
Due to the nature of narasimha form [devine anger],it is essential that worship be given with a very high level of attention compared to other deities.
matsya the fish
(vishnu as a fish )
this is matsya it has a golden horn on its head.It was rescused by a man. he grew and grew.
Man lion
The man lion has 8 arms a lions face including a mane but a human lower body. It was claimed half human half lion. It was the fourth of the 10 myths and was worshiped by a big number of groups. It had still got lion skin! Most people called him the great protecter because he ripped a demon open then wanted to be more human .He was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Amy b
By Eliza and Naomi.
- With his first step he covered all of earth and his second step he covered heaven and the third and finall step covered a load more and squashed Bali.
- Bali agreed to give everything that the dwarf asked for.
By Eliza and Naomi.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Eagle owl
The eagle owl has sharrp talens with sofft wite and grey fethes. They are a big bird with a 2m wing span and can cach things as big as fox and deer.Another thing is they dont mind the noise for they live in qwaryes. A faxt is they are the preditor of the barn owl.Also the heghog is 20% of the owls diet, since it eat to much of the rabits,
The eagle owl has sharrp talens with sofft wite and grey fethes. They are a big bird with a 2m wing span and can cach things as big as fox and deer.Another thing is they dont mind the noise for they live in qwaryes. A faxt is they are the preditor of the barn owl.Also the heghog is 20% of the owls diet, since it eat to much of the rabits,
24th october 2012eagle owls
eagle owls are the biggst owl in the world they have got a 2 meter wing span . Many of the owls live in the south western of the united states mexico .eagle owls are very large and powerful bird , they can live up to 25 years old
snowy owls
females snowy owls are bigger than the male and they have more spots than the male ,they have very hollow bones . They have a 57 intch wing span
elf owl
There size is 13-14cm that is there size there wing span is 99-115cm . There weight is for a male is 36g-44g ,females are 42g-48g in april and may that is when they lay there eggs they lay up to 1-5 eggs . They can live up to 3-6 years old some of them eat worms , crickets, mice and frogs .by xena georgiou
All over the world there are many different types of day owls, most are nocturnal but, some do come out in the day.Some different foreign owls like the Philippine eagle owl ,or the common grass owl.Owls have all adapted their surroundings species that live near the sea for e.g. have began to eat fish. Here are some interesting lives.
Tasmanian masked owl
Mainly grayish brown the masked owl is the biggest member of the Titos family. Nocturnal and secretive nobody Knows that much about them despite this experts think that that their big claws suggest that they eat small mammals!It's call is very similar to the barn owl except louder and more rasping. Fledgling early at 10-12 weeks they are fast to learn.
By Isobel
Owls are nocturnal . Many owls catch their own prey but some steal from others . Here is a paragraph about Snowy Owls !!!
Often , Snowy owls have big yellow eyes with black pupils . They eat worms and mice as their prey . Femalesare bigger then males and are manly found in Alaska . Because their bones are hollow , they are easy to break .by Lydia !!
Madagcar grass Owl
You can tell in the name they live in madagcar.In addition they are similar to a smallish barn owl.There length is 27.5cm,also there wingspan is 20.9cm.However they are a reddish yellow colour and they have dark spots.It eats small rodents and insects.By Kaylah
Most owls are noc-turnal which means they come out at night.They are only babys for two weeks.
Female owls are bigger than males.They eat juicy worms and big,fat mice.Males are 27 inches tall and they weigh 52 inches and 3 1/2 pounds.
Spotted wood owls have spots and they prey at morning and at afternoon and also at midday.They fly so high you can barely see them and they have long wings.
Elf owls small and have big ears but they but they are very atracting to people.They are mean and they are very hairy.Elf owls has a hairy tail and sharp teeth. BY ELLIOTT
Female owls are bigger than males.They eat juicy worms and big,fat mice.Males are 27 inches tall and they weigh 52 inches and 3 1/2 pounds.
Spotted wood owls have spots and they prey at morning and at afternoon and also at midday.They fly so high you can barely see them and they have long wings.
Elf owls small and have big ears but they but they are very atracting to people.They are mean and they are very hairy.Elf owls has a hairy tail and sharp teeth. BY ELLIOTT
We wrote a non-chronalogical report which is a report about something here it is!!Owls are mostly nocturnal animals which means they only come out at night.All types of owls are birds of prey.All owls are white for a couple of weeks when they are born.
Barn owls
Mean while,barn owls are pale nearly world wide birds.they are closly assicotted with man trough they are nocturnal. By Connnor
Barn owls
Mean while,barn owls are pale nearly world wide birds.they are closly assicotted with man trough they are nocturnal. By Connnor
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
two Barn owl facts
There hunted by ferrall cats and foxs
Snowy Owls
Snowy Owls
This is a snowy owl!They have extremely silky white fur, they also have black spots all over its body.Female Snowy owls are alot larger than male Snowy owls.Every year they mould.Female Snowy owls have allot of spots.The Snowy owl has hollow bones.Male Snowy owls just keep getting whiter.
By Daniel and Adam
Tropical Screech Owls!
Tropical Screech Owls
A Tropical Screech Owl lives in Brazil. They have pointy ears and very sharp beaks, it could be one of the sharpest beaks in the world. A Tropical screech owl is generally a very common owl, found in certain places mostly like Brazil. They lay at least 1-3 eggs, they normally lay them in January. Most owls weigh about 95-160g and are about 20-24cm. However they have beautiful amber eyes, their body has lovely, smooth feathers which are grey. They mainly eat ants,bats,grasshoppers,spiders,arthpods, moth, beetles, caterpillars, earthworms, termites, crickets, raspy crickets, frogs, small snakes, vertebartes, scorpians, harvestman, mole and rats. However the length of their wingspan is 146-180mm.
By Eliza!
eagle owls
eagle owls!!
Eagle owls have big eyes and sharp claws.They have great hereing that help them to chach prey.they are comnley found in qworyes.Often they live sweaden and holend.The first owl was found in 1997.Despite of the noise they nest in the holo dips of the inportant thing is they are are breading there and evrry day there numbers encrease.houever they are big birds and there wing span meseres 2m.Also they can chach things as big as fox and deer. Also 20% of there diet is heghog.The eagle owl is 4x the sise of the barn owl.
by Naomi
Eagle owls have big eyes and sharp claws.They have great hereing that help them to chach prey.they are comnley found in qworyes.Often they live sweaden and holend.The first owl was found in 1997.Despite of the noise they nest in the holo dips of the inportant thing is they are are breading there and evrry day there numbers encrease.houever they are big birds and there wing span meseres 2m.Also they can chach things as big as fox and deer. Also 20% of there diet is heghog.The eagle owl is 4x the sise of the barn owl.
by Naomi
The White throated srceached owl lives in Andes in Bolivia ,Colombia ,Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela . It is the largest spicies of the genus Megascops at 26cm (10 to 5 in ) and 185 grams (6 . 60 z ) .

The White throated srceached owl lives in Andes in Bolivia ,Colombia ,Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela . It is the largest spicies of the genus Megascops at 26cm (10 to 5 in ) and 185 grams (6 . 60 z ) .
Eagle owls are the biggest owl in the world they have a 2 metre wing span eagle owls are very vicious when eating . the golden eagle is the same size of the eagle owl , when laying eggs It start when late winter . you normally find eagle owl in England . the eagle is a very large and powerful bird, the eagle can live up to 25years however female is bigger than the male . When there hunting they are very good at smelling. Elf owl 3 smallest owl in the word the Length is 13 14cm long there wing span is 99 115 cm long in April and may that is when they lay eggs
Eagle owls
The Eagle owl was first seen in 1997 in holland.It is the biggest owl in the world.It weighs up to 4 kg.25% of it's diet is hedgehogs and the rest is owls and rabbits.They are 4 times bigger than barn owls.They don't mind noise.They can see in the dark.They come in different colours.They have great hearing.Eats deer and fox.
By Adam and Daanish
By Adam and Daanish
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
This week we did LOTS of tests, but for a reward we got to eat jelly in the after noon. We did the sences (feel, hear,smell, see and taste). For feel we had a feely bag and we had to feel what it would feel like to be a bird, the first one was grapes then it was elastic bands for worms then bird seed. For hear we played a game called owl and mouse. For taste we tasted jelly and it was really nice!!!
by rubyj
Yesterday we did about birds and there senses.wich are touch smell taste see and hear.So for hearing we played a mouse and owl game and the mouse was the owls prey and the owl had to find the mouse with its hearing.For touch miss wyat went round with a bag and you had to put your hand in and guess what you were feeling.For taste mrs johnson went roun with jelly and you got to taste it and guess what it taste like.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Hello this is a blog about birds here are some pictures for a start.(under) ( :
Parrots have sharp beaks and has different type of coulors like yellow,blue,white and black and also they have a green head at the top but they also repeat what you say.Parrots eat nuts.
by ihsaan and elliott
Birds lay eggs and they are warm blooded. In the whole world there are about 10000 birds altogether. Out of all the birds an Ostrich is the largest bird, it also lays the largest egggs and is the fastest runner out of all the birds. Birds also have hollow bones that help them to fly. Some birds are so clever that they even know how to create and use tools. Humming birds can also fly backwards, the smallest bird in the whole world is a hummingbird and also weighs less than 1g. 75% of birds die before they are 6 months, the second fastest bird in the world is a Frigate.
By Eliza
By Eliza
Birds are mammles that fly some birds are extremely inteligent but some are dumb like owls.Every one thinks owls are wise.Alot of birds are birds of prey like eagles and owls.The birds have very sharp beaks and they have deadly claws.Birds have soft feathers to keep them warm in the hot climates.
By Adam
Friday, 28 September 2012
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
International Week
We have enjoyed making masks, we also enjoyed making powerpoints on Belguim. Yesterday we enjoyed doing the Georges Sewrat. He did some type of paintings called pointillisum.Today we have enjoyed finding facts about Canada.
By Eliza, Naomi and Abbie.
By Eliza, Naomi and Abbie.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
he beutifully yorned . he got sick at times he got bullied abit he was always was laughing he was a bit naughty he was sometimes good
he was nice and kind he is big and strong he was a bit peachy he is 9 years old and is nearly 10 years old he got picked on quite alot hes quite happy he likes playin football and games
by connor hunter
he was nice and kind he is big and strong he was a bit peachy he is 9 years old and is nearly 10 years old he got picked on quite alot hes quite happy he likes playin football and games
by connor hunter
kjo bioghraphy
for her first birthday she got a toy duck that went quak quak.she used to love to play with her toy blocks.weirdily she used to nick the sugar.amazingly she rode a tractor with her dad.
by kijdhiushdgu
by kijdhiushdgu
my Friends biography
He was alaways exited about christmas.When he was 1 he may of been cute but he was accident prone.When he was 4 he went to didsbury nursery.He learnt how to get potty trained when he was 4.Luckily he had a holiday when he was little!
by adam
by adam
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
My friends biography
My friend was born on the 4th of Augest 2003.He was born in manchester a busy town.He has 2 brothers one is 1 and the other is 11.He has 1 pet fish.He has nice parents.
by adam
My Friend
My Friend
My Friend was born on the 14th of October 2002. She was born at her home : Number 1 Pleachway. She is 9 years old
She has two elder siblings called: Charlotte and Finn. My friend has lovely siblings. She loves them a lot. My friend and Finn have an age difference of 6 years and my friend and Charlotte have an age difference of 9 years. My friend was about 4 years old when she went to Nursery.
She has been to St Johns C of E primary School for her whole school life.
By Eliza
My Friend was born on the 14th of October 2002. She was born at her home : Number 1 Pleachway. She is 9 years old
She has two elder siblings called: Charlotte and Finn. My friend has lovely siblings. She loves them a lot. My friend and Finn have an age difference of 6 years and my friend and Charlotte have an age difference of 9 years. My friend was about 4 years old when she went to Nursery.
She has been to St Johns C of E primary School for her whole school life.
By Eliza
Sam Valentine biography
My friend was born on 15/7/03,he was born in stockport,UK.He weighs 35 kg(thats a lot) and his height is 1.25m.
My Friend
My friend was born on the 30 th of september 2002 . She has 2 siblings one older brother called Josh and one younger sister called Naomi . She has a Mum and a Dad who look after her very kindaly and love her very much . She lives in heaten chapel a very lovely place bay the railway .
My Freind
My freind was born March 14th 2002.He has a family of 3 he don't have a Dad his Mum is called Wensday,a Sister called Bella and a half sister called Sadie. He was born at Steppen Hill Hospital where I was born!
By Connor.P
By Connor.P
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