Saturday, 21 January 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
my suspense story
Howard Carter gazed at the crumbling wall.When he saw a big hole in the middle of the wall.He looked down gently when he saw a small poisines spider bit into his leg while anouther beetle bit into his leg and he let out a scream.At that moment something crumbled on the wall.What was it?
By vanessa
By vanessa
Howard Carter examined the room, thhe wall was crumbling from above. He got a shiver up his spine, like a beetle runing up his back. The floor was covered in a thick sheet of sand only just covering his feet. He peered at the door, he shone his light through the hole. Every thing he saw was pure gold, there was animals and other tresures of someone else. At that moment a pure gold coffin fell from the ceiling, reflecting a ligh into his eyes. His heart was thumping out of him. What kind of person would have these tresures ?
By Daniella
By Daniella
Suspence By Evie
Howard Carter glared at a totally plane door.The wall in front of it was crumbly and old.He was holding a gently lit candle.A thick layer of sand covered his feet as if he was in the sea.A beatle stung his foot then flew away.Also the ceiling was so old and dusty.Howard tummy was bubbling like a dishwasher.A strange light let in through a crack in the ceiling.Howard Carter hammerd the wall like he was stamping it.All of a sudden a crack appeard in the wall.But whos tomb was it?
By Evie
By Evie
Friday, 13 January 2012
My suspense story
Mary gazed at the dark,scary classroom that looked suspicious.The rusty,old,furniture looked rugged,that it was going to get thrown out.Hot,boiling, ice-cream dropped from the rusty,old ceiling.And the ceiling fell down on her.The scary,old,tatterd,clown face was so dirty,you could only see grey dirt.Suddenly there came a strange noise what was it?
Ethan's Group
Today in maths we learnt a few things....
What a reflex angle is. It is an angle that has spun round more than 180 degrees.
What an acute angle is. It is an angle that is smaller than 90 degrees.
Daniel's group
we learnt in maths today...
what a obtuse angle is. It is an angle that is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
what a obtuse angle is. It is an angle that is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
Evie`s group
We have leared what parallel lines are they are 2 lines that never meet each other.
By Evie,William and Danielle
By Evie,William and Danielle
Henry's Group
We learnt what a reflex angle is it is the outside angle of a shape by oscar and henry
Thursday, 12 January 2012
My suspense story
Laya pealed her eyes at the suspicious head teachers office, that creaked every 10 seconds. The ceiling boards hung of the last screw, with dripping moldy water of the rusted water pipe. The shelves snapped in half, the books were all dripped with water, at that moment Laya heard something running up and down the stairs, she went to see what it was and there was blood hand prints on the stairs with foot prints smashed into them. Suddenly Laya slowlelywalkedbackwards, onto a cobwebed corner, her blood boiled. She felt frightened and terefied, she didn't now what to do. What was going to happen next ?
By Daniella
By Daniella
HT Suspence Story
Alex gazed at the deserted staff room. The loaded table shook as if it was going to break.Fresh blood was dripping from the broken printer as the rust light flickered over him.The tatty old carpet blew in the draft. Suddenly he heard something moving. Alex tried to scream but the fear stopped him.Would he be seen again?
By Henry T
By Henry T
Joe cautiously walked into school.The door creaked as it slammed behind him.He turned around not noticing what was wrote on the door.It said turn back or else.He slowly looked up a strange stream of blood led to the old rusty metal toilets.Suddenly a holler came from the girls bathroom.Joe heard it loud and clear.
Hello is someone there he said.He felt a slight breeze it sent a cold shiver down his spine!He noticed he wasent in his school where was he?
Hello is someone there he said.He felt a slight breeze it sent a cold shiver down his spine!He noticed he wasent in his school where was he?
Henry js suspense story
Kai stepped into the concealed staffroom , that was usually forbidden from all students.A large brown desk towered above him.Ice cold water dripped down from a bloody pipe in the roof , and the lights began to flicker.Kai slowly peared through a crack in the floorboards.Suddenly an urge of fright ran through him.Then the door slammed shut.Kai jumped and started to breave fast and heavy.He didn't know what to do.At that moment Kai's heart began to skip a beat.He fainted!Would anyone ever find him?
My suspense story
Mary gazed at the dark,scary, classroom that looked suspicious.The rusty,old,furniture looked so rusty,that it was going to get thrown out.Hot boiling ,ice-cream dropped from the top of the rusty,old,ceiling and the ceiling fell down on her.The scary,old,tatterd,clown face was so dirty,you could only see grey dirt.Sudenlly there came a strange noise what was it?
By vanessa
By vanessa
My suspence story
Alex gazed at the dirty, terrifing toilets. The walls were coverd dark, dirty dirt coverd that looked as if someone had kicked a load of footballs against the walls. Urine was sprayed across the ceiling and writing coverd the walls. The floor was coverd in turqoise balls from the cubicalls and had been stamped on and now looked like suger that had been sprinkled on the floor. All of a sudden he heard a crying noise coming from the toilet, he was about to scream but he stopped himself. Would he find out what it is?
By Alexander
By Alexander
Suspence writing
Evie stood`frozen`glancing at the churning dishwasher`the staffroom was full of mugs and cakes. She looked through the window on the door she had just closed.A leak from the ceiling slowly dripped down,landing in the overflowing bucket,the table was full of grains of sugar and coffee and tea cup stains.There was a mauntian of spilt sugar from the day before ,and a line of untidy chairs not tucked under the 5 metre table. Very tidy postits all in a line on the wall,the naughty board.All of a sudden another wire fell and dangled from under the clock now there were six or seven that had fallen down.Suddenly the clock fell down,how would she reaturn safely without the key.
By Evie
By Evie
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
wall paintings
when egyptians are burried there insides are all taken out but the heart is left in and there brain is took through the nose.Also the egyptians belived that ka and ba ( the spirit and sole) whent with them when they died
by megan and georgina
by megan and georgina
In Year 5 we have been learning about Egypt and Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun was a Pharoh from the young age of 9 to the age of 18 or 19. Tutankhamun couldn`t spell his real name properly so he was called himself Tut. Tut was probably born in the capital city of Egypt called Akhetaten. The reason King Tut is so famous is that his tomb was found full of treasures they were found by archetects Howard Carter and Lord Canarvon. His tomb was descoverd by archeolegist in 1922 nearly 3000 years after his death.
By Evie
By Evie
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