Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Monday, 27 February 2012
Where Children Must Work - Tropic Of Cancer - Episode 5 Preview - BBC Two
Check out this video on YouTube:
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Thursday, 23 February 2012
Child Labour
Child Labour is when children are forced to do jobs on a very low wadge.Some times they get nothing.Some jobs are very dangerous as they could be working with knives and sewing machines.This can hurt the children as these objects are sharp.The children can get diseases from many things where they are working.
Some of these children also don't get to go to school. This is a problem because they need to learn how to read and write. Some children go to school at 10pm or early in the morning. These children aren't getting enough education.
The children don't have any choice if they want to do these jobs but they have to. Some children work to get money for themselves and their family.
By Danielle and Evie.
Child Labour
Child labour is very crule because children are forced to work in poor conditions. Working in factories making cotton and materials. Some young children use knives to cut down crops and suga canes. Many children catch bad disseses like skin problem from chemicals and pestisides, they also catch asma from breathing in to much organic dust.
by Maisie
by Maisie
child laber
child laber is horible it is where childen have to work all day.there are 5,000000 childen working in the factories.
child labour
280 million are involved in child labour 100 million like it 180 million work in life threating conditions
by jack & max
by jack & max
Monday, 13 February 2012
Transatlantic Slavery
Transatlantic slavery went on for about 300 years; from about 1450 until the late 1800s. Many people who got sold into slavery died on the boat journey to auction. Slaves were usually unarmed Africans from small villages, for these were the easiest targets. But anyone who could be caught was treated roughly and sold into slavery, including babies and young children.
People really had no choice whether they went into the slave trade or not. Once you had been caught, except for the unlikely event that they escaped, you were a slave no matter what or who you are. Some people even turned on neighbours, family, and friends for the large profit made from slavery. People were often kidnapped whilst they were out on their own in the fields or farms. But they also sometimes got kidnapped in small villages. They were also treated very roughly. They may never see their friends and families again, who would not know where they had gone, only that they had not returned. Some people did sell themselves into slavery for no price though, often to survive poverty or extreme conditions. At least their masters would provide them with their most basic needs. Some people even sold their own children into slavery for the same reasons but these, I don't think were aware of it's cruel and permanent nature. Slaves travelled to the slave auction on a ship and and the conditions were terrible. The slaves got one set of clothing each and hardly any food and water. There was only one bucket for human waste, and, worst of all, those ships were diseased. Many people died, and only the strongest survived. At the auction the strongest went first for the highest price. Half the cost was payed in produce, the other half in cash. The weak and frail went last, and those who didn't sell got put in a scramble auction. This is when buyers ran forwards to collect the one that looked strongest for free.
One of the most famous slaves is Harriet Tubman, who attempted to escape from slavery with her two brothers. Her name originally Araminta Rose but she changed it to Harriet (after her mother) once she had ran away as to not be detected. She was married but her husband refused to come with her and her brothers soon became scared and left her to continue on her own. She stayed in the Underground Railroad, a large gathering of safe houses for slaves making their journey north to freedom. Later on she got a job as a nursemaid, even though she was still only a child. Her main job was to stay up all night as to insure that the baby did not wake the mother. If it did she would have got whipped.
Nobody cared about the Africans and they did not even get doctors and medical care when they were sick. They had to wear big metal chains and headgear that stuck out in all directions. This prevented them from walking, resting, swallowing, and doing many other everyday things. There were many deaths and lots of whippings, and attempt to escape was either punished with separation from family and friends or death.
To my opinion Transatlantic slavery is much worse than Egyptian slavery but many would think much different.
By Mary
Friday, 10 February 2012
what are you go to do in the half term?
because i'm going to my grandads house in Bournemouth by the sea.
by Rhys@=(^^)=@
because i'm going to my grandads house in Bournemouth by the sea.
by Rhys@=(^^)=@
Transatlantic slaves
The most common and terrible thing for Africans was slavery, which was where Africans caught other Africans and traded them. The slaves did not want to be slaves but they had no choice. Slaves also had to wear shackles and a head peice to stop them from running away or sleeping.
The jobs many Africans did was plantation, they would hard all day long or most of the day if not. They planted things like sugar and didnt get much time to themself. They didnt get much time to build their houses and they had to build them near to the plantation so they could be watched and couldnt run away. If they did run away the punishment would be terrible. They would be either physically punished or taken away from their families!
Catching slaves
The Africans were payed to catch other Africans. Some parents put their children into slavery and some people offered themselves into slavery. Sometimes people got home from work to find their families gone and sometimes childrens parents never got home from work! After they were captured they were put onto a ship called the Liverpool Merchant , where they were crammed up and killed by desease. Only the stronge ones made it on the journey. When the slaves arrived they were traded and sold for guns, gunpowder, horses, suger, rum and brandy.
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave. She ran away and changed her name from Armanita Ross to Harriet Tubman. She was a nurse maid and she had to stay awake all night. She got married and got hit in the head by a metal bar crushing nearly her whole skull and leaving a deep scar. She ran away again with her brithers because her brothers refused to come.
Slaves in Egypt and Transatlantic slavery were different, Transatlantic slaves were kidnapped and traded but slaves in Egypt stayed in Egypt all through slavery. Slavery ended for africans but many died on the ship. I think slavery should of ended years before it did.
By Danielle
The jobs many Africans did was plantation, they would hard all day long or most of the day if not. They planted things like sugar and didnt get much time to themself. They didnt get much time to build their houses and they had to build them near to the plantation so they could be watched and couldnt run away. If they did run away the punishment would be terrible. They would be either physically punished or taken away from their families!
Catching slaves
The Africans were payed to catch other Africans. Some parents put their children into slavery and some people offered themselves into slavery. Sometimes people got home from work to find their families gone and sometimes childrens parents never got home from work! After they were captured they were put onto a ship called the Liverpool Merchant , where they were crammed up and killed by desease. Only the stronge ones made it on the journey. When the slaves arrived they were traded and sold for guns, gunpowder, horses, suger, rum and brandy.
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave. She ran away and changed her name from Armanita Ross to Harriet Tubman. She was a nurse maid and she had to stay awake all night. She got married and got hit in the head by a metal bar crushing nearly her whole skull and leaving a deep scar. She ran away again with her brithers because her brothers refused to come.
Slaves in Egypt and Transatlantic slavery were different, Transatlantic slaves were kidnapped and traded but slaves in Egypt stayed in Egypt all through slavery. Slavery ended for africans but many died on the ship. I think slavery should of ended years before it did.
By Danielle
Transalantic Report
The majority of slaves in the 1450`s were Transalantic slaves.From 1450 the the late 1800`s transatlantic slaves were legal! However on new years day 1801 Transalantic slaves became illegal!
The Liverpool merchant went to Barbados from Liverpool,the English went over with lots of produce and things.When they got to Barbados they traded produce for slaves!So when the English took the Africans on the ship they were not in a good condition.The slaves did not get the supplies they needed to live.Most slaves died on the ship however eventually the English got n trouble for trading the Africans.
When the slaves got captured the had a mouth piece and a necklace with hooks on it so,they couldn't`t sleep or escape.The mouth piece kept the tongue down so the slaves could not eat or even drink their own seliver! They had shackles round their ankles and chains around their hands.The African slaves really couldn't do many things.
Transalantic slavery is just as bad as Egyptian slavery,they both were extremely cruel.I think slavery anywhere is not ok!It should never happen.
By Evie
Harriet Tubman was a nurse maid she stayed up all night looking after babies so they didn`t wake their mothers.However Harriet Tubmans real name was Araminta Ross she had taken her Mothers name.Harriet had a railroad and she escorted slaves to the railroad which was some private houses where the slaves could stay.Harriet got married and ran away but she didn`t take her husband she took her brothers.When she was there her brothers left her.Harriet was on her own.
The Liverpool merchant went to Barbados from Liverpool,the English went over with lots of produce and things.When they got to Barbados they traded produce for slaves!So when the English took the Africans on the ship they were not in a good condition.The slaves did not get the supplies they needed to live.Most slaves died on the ship however eventually the English got n trouble for trading the Africans.
When the slaves got captured the had a mouth piece and a necklace with hooks on it so,they couldn't`t sleep or escape.The mouth piece kept the tongue down so the slaves could not eat or even drink their own seliver! They had shackles round their ankles and chains around their hands.The African slaves really couldn't do many things.
Transalantic slavery is just as bad as Egyptian slavery,they both were extremely cruel.I think slavery anywhere is not ok!It should never happen.
By Evie
Harriet Tubman was a nurse maid she stayed up all night looking after babies so they didn`t wake their mothers.However Harriet Tubmans real name was Araminta Ross she had taken her Mothers name.Harriet had a railroad and she escorted slaves to the railroad which was some private houses where the slaves could stay.Harriet got married and ran away but she didn`t take her husband she took her brothers.When she was there her brothers left her.Harriet was on her own.
Transanlantic slavery
Transatlantic slavery has been going on for about 300 years.They came from the Spanish and the Spanish brought them to America to England because there are more posh and old people there that would buy them.
When the Africans or Spanish come to capture there own related country's they whip them and take over there house or Evan take over there farming land.When the farmers are farming and they want to capture them they shoot a gun into the air and the planters start to run away.Before the farmers do a run away they jump ou of the bushes and grab them with there posh and clean hands.
When they get onto the ship the crew stops them and puts the chains onto there legs Also their neck because the captain dosen't wan't them to move their neck or swallow anything.
When there moving on the ship it takes them about 52 weeks for them to get to America and England because they wan't to sell the slaves there because they get earned loads of money.
by vanessa

When the Africans or Spanish come to capture there own related country's they whip them and take over there house or Evan take over there farming land.When the farmers are farming and they want to capture them they shoot a gun into the air and the planters start to run away.Before the farmers do a run away they jump ou of the bushes and grab them with there posh and clean hands.
When they get onto the ship the crew stops them and puts the chains onto there legs Also their neck because the captain dosen't wan't them to move their neck or swallow anything.
When there moving on the ship it takes them about 52 weeks for them to get to America and England because they wan't to sell the slaves there because they get earned loads of money.
by vanessa
Tranatslantic Slavery
Introducing the Transatlantic slaves!
There has been many slaves through time, but today we're talking about African slaves.
What is the Tranatlantic slavery?
The Transatlantic slavery is a long long time ago when the English took over Africa and made the Africans slaves in their own country!
When the slave owner got bored of their slaves they'de trade them for things like: cotten, horses and much more!
The prizon!
Some Africans would be taken to a squashy, smelly, cramped up prizon where there was around 10 bunk beds with around 10 people in each bunk.There was no food or water, and most of them died.
Coming to an end and comparing!
It finally became illegall to capture someone and make them slaves, but I still think that the Egyptian slavery is much cruler, but atleast it will never happen again!

Introducing the Transatlantic slaves!
There has been many slaves through time, but today we're talking about African slaves.
What is the Tranatlantic slavery?
The Transatlantic slavery is a long long time ago when the English took over Africa and made the Africans slaves in their own country!
When the slave owner got bored of their slaves they'de trade them for things like: cotten, horses and much more!
The prizon!
Some Africans would be taken to a squashy, smelly, cramped up prizon where there was around 10 bunk beds with around 10 people in each bunk.There was no food or water, and most of them died.
Coming to an end and comparing!
It finally became illegall to capture someone and make them slaves, but I still think that the Egyptian slavery is much cruler, but atleast it will never happen again!
Monday, 6 February 2012
Suspense story
My suspence story
Alex gazed at the dirty, terrifing toilets. The walls were coverd dark, dirty dirt coverd that looked as if someone had kicked a load of footballs against the walls. Urine was sprayed across the ceiling and writing coverd the walls. The floor was coverd in turqoise balls from the cubicalls and had been stamped on and now looked like suger that had been sprinkled on the floor. All of a sudden he heard a crying noise coming from the toilet, he was about to scream but he stopped himself. Would he find out what it is?
By Alexander
By Alexander
suspense story
Joe cautiously walked into school.The door creaked as it slammed behind him.He turned around not noticing what was wrote on the door.It said turn back or else.He slowly looked up a strange stream of blood led to the old rusty metal toilets.Suddenly a holler came from the girls bathroom.Joe heard it loud and clear.
Hello is someone there he said.He felt a slight breeze it sent a cold shiver down his spine!He noticed he wasent in his school where was he?
Hello is someone there he said.He felt a slight breeze it sent a cold shiver down his spine!He noticed he wasent in his school where was he?
Henry J's suspense story
Kai stepped into the concealed staffroom , that was usually forbidden from all students.A large brown desk towered above him.Ice cold water dripped down from a bloody pipe in the roof , and the lights began to flicker.Kai slowly peared through a crack in the floorboards.Suddenly an urge of fright ran through him.Then the door slammed shut.Kai jumped and started to breave fast and heavy.He didn't know what to do.At that moment Kai's heart began to skip a beat.He fainted!Would anyone ever find him?
Howard Carter suspence by Alex
Howard Carter scanned the large room that inside a temple in the Land of the gods. The pathway through the huge looked as if it was a gateway to another universe.
eygiptian slaves by jack
The most common slaves were caught in war the toughest were fost to build pyramids.Slaves were not aloud to work for family however some slaves manged to trick them into thinking they werent related.Ramissies dad also kept the Isralites as slaves.
Slaves were treated really bad they were whipped kiked and hit.If they were faros slaves and tried to escape the faro would make other slaves see them suffer.They wernt payed money they were payed cloths and food.
Slaves were treated really bad they were whipped kiked and hit.If they were faros slaves and tried to escape the faro would make other slaves see them suffer.They wernt payed money they were payed cloths and food.
mud bricks
today we made mud bricks we had to measure 200g of mud 10g of straw and 100ml of water we had 8 groups all the amounts of straw were diffrent so we could see wich made the strongest mud brickby jack
Egyptian slavery report
The most common punishment for the Egyptians would be slavery,the Pharaoh`s beat the slaves if they didn`t do the job correctly.Slaves were not allowed much food and water during jobs.Slaves were also prisioners of the war.
The slaves in Ancient Egypt,were made to build Pyramids,make bricks,farm on farms and loads of other nasty jobs.Also not many survived as they didn`t get the suplies they needed.
The majority of the slaves didn`t wear many clothes,however if they did it would be a small amount of tatty linen around the waist.Although they got sun burned because it was so hot,most of the slaves wore nothing!
All in all the slaves were treated extremly badly .They didn`t even get enough food and water.Most slaves didn`t live to the age of fourty! The slaves got wipped and treated really cruely.
Slaves in Ancient Egyptian times were very hard working,where as nowadays slaves don`t have to work as hard!
By Evie.
The slaves in Ancient Egypt,were made to build Pyramids,make bricks,farm on farms and loads of other nasty jobs.Also not many survived as they didn`t get the suplies they needed.
The majority of the slaves didn`t wear many clothes,however if they did it would be a small amount of tatty linen around the waist.Although they got sun burned because it was so hot,most of the slaves wore nothing!
All in all the slaves were treated extremly badly .They didn`t even get enough food and water.Most slaves didn`t live to the age of fourty! The slaves got wipped and treated really cruely.
Slaves in Ancient Egyptian times were very hard working,where as nowadays slaves don`t have to work as hard!
By Evie.
Egyptian Slavery Report
The most common punishment for the Egyptians would be slavery,the Pharaoh`s beat the slaves if they didn`t do the job correctly.Slaves were not allowed much food and water during jobs.Slaves were also prisioners of the war.
The slaves in Ancient Egypt,were made to build Pyramids,make bricks,farm on farms and loads of other nasty jobs.Also not many survived as they didn`t get the suplies they needed.
The majority of the slaves didn`t wear many clothes,however if they did it would be a small amount of tatty linen around the waist.Although they got sun burned because it was so hot,most of the slaves wore nothing!
All in all the slaves were treated extremly badly .They didn`t even get enough food and water.Most slaves didn`t live to the age of fourty! The slaves got wipped and treated really cruely.
Slaves in Ancient Egyptian times were very hard working,where as nowadays slaves don`t have to work as hard!
By Evie.
The slaves in Ancient Egypt,were made to build Pyramids,make bricks,farm on farms and loads of other nasty jobs.Also not many survived as they didn`t get the suplies they needed.
The majority of the slaves didn`t wear many clothes,however if they did it would be a small amount of tatty linen around the waist.Although they got sun burned because it was so hot,most of the slaves wore nothing!
All in all the slaves were treated extremly badly .They didn`t even get enough food and water.Most slaves didn`t live to the age of fourty! The slaves got wipped and treated really cruely.
Slaves in Ancient Egyptian times were very hard working,where as nowadays slaves don`t have to work as hard!
By Evie.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
A day
Today we made mud bricks i was in a group with Mary,Jack,Ethan,Joe, and Amy.We were all working in a group to to find out quantity of Straw,Water and soil. when we did all of that we poured all the ingredients in the plastic rectangle.When we put it all in we shake it and then put it in year6's classroom.
By Vanessa
By Vanessa
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Mud bricks
Today we got to make mud bricks I was in a group with Matthew Megan Anna Samuel and Rhys me and Matthew were incharge of getting the water and the mud it was really fun.
By Alex
By Alex
1st mud brick
today we made mud bricks we had to measure 200g of mud 10g of straw and 100ml of water we had 8 groups all the amounts of straw were diffrent so we could see wich made the strongest mud brickby jack
A day
Today we were looking at how to make a brick.The equitment that we used was: mud,water,hay. We also mesured them all to know the amount of hay or water or mud we need to use for the mud brick.
by vanessa
by vanessa
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