Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Danielle's Easter picture

In my picture i have shown Jesus being crucified.I liked the bit where Jesus had the last supper and the Garden of Geth Semony.The memory of the last supper was strange and the Garden of Geth Semony was sad.         By Oscar

my Easter picture

in my picture i have shown people waving palm leaves in a dark blue sky.
two things i like about this story are jesus rising from the dead and telling everyone he will be here forever.

Daniella's Easter picture

Alma's Easter picture

Anna's Easter picture

William's Easter picture

Matthew's Easter picture

Ethan's Easter picture

This is my Easter picture. XD

By Ethan

Oscar's Easter picture

Alex's Easter picture

In my picture, I have shown when Jesus came into Jerusulem. Two things I like about this story are the people waving the parm leaves and how the children take the trouble to climb trees to see Jesus. I think the meaning of this part of the story for christians might be how Jesus walked threw on a horse with people saying that he is the king of kings.

                            By Alexander

Amy's Easter picture

Mary's Easter picture

Two things I like about this story are:
1) It teaches us all a lesson, even if we aren't Christians.
2) It gives us hope.

I think the meaning of this part of the story for Christians is:
How Jesus shared the wine and bread with his disciples, even though he didn't have to and how he did the blessing by saying "We thank you Lord for this meal. The bread is my body and the wine is my blood. Drink, eat and remember me.

Vanessa's Easter picture

In my picture I have shown jesus tied up going up a long path onto a hill I really like when he comes back to life and his toast at the last super.!.!.!.!by jack

Joseph's Easter picture

I have shown the crucifixion of jesus.The ressureection.
by joseph

Matilda's Easter picture

 In my picture, I have shown when Jesus' Tomb was empty and he was alive, after he had been buried behind the heavy stone.
I find the Easter Story interesting because at the beginning, the villagers all love him and treat him with respect. At the end of the story he ends up being arrested and crucified.
I think the meaning of this part of the story for a Christian might be to not always believe what you hear.

Maisie's Easter picture

In my picture, I have shown Jesus rising from the dead and the stone tombs rock open.
Two things I like about this story are, that Jesus came back to show people that he would always come back and
that he will always be with them.
I think the meanings of this part of the story for a christian might be, because Jesus showed them the good things about heaven and the the good things about life.
By Maisie

Max's Easter picture

in my picture,I have shown a cross on a hill to remind people of the crucifiction and i have done it in dark colours to make people sad.
Two things I like about this story are jesuses crucifiction and i like the last supper

I think the meanings of this part of the story for a christian might be when jesus was risen and when jesus got out the tomb

by Max

Jacobs Easter picture

In my picture,I have shown the part of the story were Jesus has just been took down from the cross.

Two things I like about this story are how in the end Jesus gets to go back to his father and the other thing is when thay are waiting in the garden gethcemene.

I think the meanings of this part of the story for a Chistian might be the part were Jesus risen from the dead

by Jacob


Kasim's Easter picture

In my picture I have shown the crucification.

Megan's Easter picture


In my picture I have shown Jesus being waved by Palm leaves.

I like the Easter story because I like the joy in the end when he comes back to life 

I think that it is important to Christians because they pray to god and they believe in Jesus

Henry T's Easter picture

In my picture, I have shown The Crucifixion Of Jesus
Two things i like about this story are The Resurrection And The Last Supper 

Rhys Easter picture

In my picture , i have shown the part of the story were Jesus has just been crucified on the woden cross. I liked mixing the colours together because it made my fingers messy and sketching the grass.

Samuels Easter picture

  • In my picture,I have shown a part of the Easter story.

I loved doing the huge cross and the use the dark blue in my piture.

by samuel!!!!!!

Evie's Easter picture

  In my picture,I have shown how sad the three men were on the cross, also I have done a black background as the night sky.Two things I like about the story are that is tells people how bad the crusifiction was,and how Jesus came back to life.I think the meaning of this part of the story for a christian might be that Easter is not just about Easter eggs.
By Evie.

Monday, 26 March 2012

the mummyfucasen room

when i saw the mummyfucashen room it was as brown as a card bord box.I felt exsited because none had been there for years but it was full of discusting cobwebs.I felt very dirty at the time when i saw the body i shived.It gave me nightmares the next night but there was this old man in the room wearing posh old clouses.



As i walked into the massive room i could see concentrating men that were bald.I turned my head and looked at a man lying dead on a brown dark table.The horrible thing was they were taking out the mummy's brain.

To my left i saw jars that one of the surgeons were putting the mummy's internal organs into the canopic jars.The jars had a carved sides and sharp edges,so no one can come and get the heart and the organs out.The jar is normally made like the mummy so they remember that is his organs in the jar.

                                                                       by vanessa

Mummification Description

I stepped in through the colossal oak door and into the mummification room. The servants were just beginning to prepare for the task ahead. One shifty looking man was lifting one of the canopic jars with a gentle clink. The jar was beautifully detailed and as radiantly coloured as a rainbow. This would be where they would store the internal organs after mummification, for they would be needed for the afterlife. The forever sleeping, once powerful pharaoh lay on the table in wait for mummification. He looked quite sad, and his closed eyes were heavy. It's strange to think  that that man was once alive and well, ruling over us, ruling over Egypt.

Then the mummification process began. Bossily, a man with a jackal mask red from a scroll and ordered the sweating, busy servants around as they ran to and fro, concentrating blandly on the jobs they had to do. When he read from the scroll he felt important, like a god.

By Mary

My Egyptian Description

My Egyptian Discription

As I walked in, I could see the tired, sweaty embalmers working hard to prepare the corpse for the afterlife.  

By Ethan