Sunday, 15 September 2013

Making our Water Cycle Board Games

Each group had to make a board game to demonstrate their knowledge of the water cycle. 

Friday, 6 September 2013

Are first week of year 5

On the first day I was not at school I was at Spain when I came back on Wednesday are teacher was mr clerc we worked on solids liquids and gas in science, we were trying to find out different types of solids liquids and gas.

Yesterday we were writing a recount about are holidays I was writing about are trip to Spain, when I went to Alton towers with Dylan and watching Liverpool matches like Liverpool vs stoke and Liverpool vs Aston villa.

Today we were downloading apps for the iPad like blogger, Alex, beebot, haiku deck, mathletics, grammar opolis, hopscotch, cargo bot, daisy dino, catos hike, kodable and pic collage. Some people played on manga high witch is like mathletics.

I liked this weak, it has been really fun.
By Jamie
On Friday we were putting games on the iPads .jaime

My first day

Today we were learning with mr Clerc . Our new teacher. The very first thing we all did was sat down  at our tables as mr Clerc talked about the year . He talked about we all have lockers,about we're the only class with two interactive white boards ! Also that the whiteboards are touch screen like iPads and you can write with different colours like blue,green,red and of course black.Then after break he talked about the half term then he asked us some questions and that's are morning


Starting year 5

On my first day back I came into school feeling great to come back to school with a fresh start.It was great seeing my friends after 5 weeks.Everybody was all chatting about what we did,the new lockers and what it would be like. 

what we did with mr cleric

Mr clerc our new staff is really nice he does Great activities we learned about: solid liquid gas solid is a thing you cannot break liquid you can put your hand through but it's easier than solid gas you cannot see or touch but you can squash it by clapping or siting a gas flies around everywhere we also did English on what we did in the holidays I did my cousin Kieran when he came to my house for a sleepover we also did science in solid liquid gas we did maths online about s l g (s l g stands for solid liquid gas) it was like gas was in a tempreture microwave thing and it got so hot the lid flew off!             By josh Cooke y5