Thursday, 19 April 2012

Evie`s Fable

One upon a time,a long time ago there lived a smalll bumble bee called Niall.But all Niall`s friends had fallen out with him.Niall played all day and all night on his own.He wonded why nobody liked him.

Niall decided to go and visit Zayn,the only problem was he had fallen out with Zayn.Niall got to Zayn`s house and said "why are we not friends".
Zayn replied "Because you call me nasty names I try to stay away from you".Niall flew off in a strop.

He decided to go and see Harry bee,only he had the same problem they were not freinds.He got to Harry and said the same thing as he said to Zayn "Why are we not friends".
"Because you take my things without asking and we agreed to stay away from each other"said Zayn. Niall flew off in yet another strop.

As Niall approached Liam and Louis,they both stopped their game and glared at Niall.Niall said gthe same thing again "Why are we not friends".
They replied "because you always ruin our games".Niall just flew off in an exstremly big strop this time.

And to this day Niall the small bumble bee never called names,never took anyones stuff and lived a happy life.
By Evie

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