Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Saturday, 30 November 2013
100 world challenge ( past tense diary)
Yesterday i was walking down a road when i spotted my van had been damaged so me and my wife had to walk back.On the way home i saw a very tall house with smashed windows then i suddenly remembered!
" We can not be here, run!" But it was to late they had seen us ... We ran as fast as we could then we found our cottage not long till we get there. Meanwhile some angry men were chasing us shouting
" Stop, stop come back here!" Now we could see it, the cottage just there. But the door was open how could this happen?...
by Katie
" We can not be here, run!" But it was to late they had seen us ... We ran as fast as we could then we found our cottage not long till we get there. Meanwhile some angry men were chasing us shouting
" Stop, stop come back here!" Now we could see it, the cottage just there. But the door was open how could this happen?...
by Katie
Friday, 29 November 2013
I can use the past tense[as a diary,100 word challenge]
Last night there was someone in my house.Firstly I called the police!They sent someone,but he acted like he had seen the person before...How?What is going on?Anyway now I'm in a hotel the police rented for me,but I don't have any of my stuff.Like clothes.On the bright side I get to go shopping.Finally the police are telling me what's going on.Apparently he was an old mission for the police but they never caught him.He was on the run for robbing a shop,twice!When will they catch him?
By Caitlin
By Caitlin
Friday, 15 November 2013
100 word challenge
Children in need day is a hit at st johns!Everyone had to wear either a superhero costume or in there pajamas.Here is a group of fantastic friends celebrating children in need day.
"I think children in need day needs to be celebrated all over the world!" protested Olivia.How many people does children in need help?Pudsey has travelled around around the world which has encouraged me, I'm not sure about you though.He has helped kid's live and without him children will die.I think he needs a big cheer .How many people do you think he's saved?
By Caitlin.
"I think children in need day needs to be celebrated all over the world!" protested Olivia.How many people does children in need help?Pudsey has travelled around around the world which has encouraged me, I'm not sure about you though.He has helped kid's live and without him children will die.I think he needs a big cheer .How many people do you think he's saved?
By Caitlin.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
100 word challenge
One day a gentleman was walking peacefully down a path next to the River Mersey. Suddenly he heard a strange noise he looked behind him not concentrating when he stumbled on a rock and tumbled down into the River Mersey!
"Help, help me somebody." he said shouting at the top of his voice. Sadly no one came to help him. The current was strong and was pulling him under. This time he shouted even louder
"Help, help anybody. But this time someone replied the person rushed over and helped him get out by lying down and pulling him with all his strength, the man thanked him and went on his way.
by Katie
"Help, help me somebody." he said shouting at the top of his voice. Sadly no one came to help him. The current was strong and was pulling him under. This time he shouted even louder
"Help, help anybody. But this time someone replied the person rushed over and helped him get out by lying down and pulling him with all his strength, the man thanked him and went on his way.
by Katie
Friday, 8 November 2013
100 word challenge
11th September, there was a gentleman who fell in the river Mersey. No one knows what happend, except an old woman who screamed!She told us at her interview.She said
''It was horrible, he was drowning.It looked like he was dead!
Everyone was in a panic wondering who it was.Nobody Knew who it was.Nobody at all.I ask you do if this happend to someone you know?Would you be petrified?What would you do if it was your dad or your sister or neighbor or your brother or even you?
by Caitlin
''It was horrible, he was drowning.It looked like he was dead!
Everyone was in a panic wondering who it was.Nobody Knew who it was.Nobody at all.I ask you do if this happend to someone you know?Would you be petrified?What would you do if it was your dad or your sister or neighbor or your brother or even you?
by Caitlin
100 word chalinge
The inpachent male walked swthly by the river mersy in his green hunter boots.
After that he slipt on a leaf and fell into the damp and wet river.
HELP HELP''! he shouted and opend his eyes and the water was only 32 center meaters tall
and he said,
he said for the last time.He sloly and gently got up and took a big step out of the river and
whisberd to himself
''what a fool i hav been;; and he walked home and said hou stupid
by remaya campbell
The inpachent male walked swthly by the river mersy in his green hunter boots.
After that he slipt on a leaf and fell into the damp and wet river.
HELP HELP''! he shouted and opend his eyes and the water was only 32 center meaters tall
and he said,
he said for the last time.He sloly and gently got up and took a big step out of the river and
whisberd to himself
''what a fool i hav been;; and he walked home and said hou stupid
by remaya campbell
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Year 5's assembly
Year 5 has been rehersing our assembly. We have been working very hard and we are all excited about tomorrow's assembly. We hope parents and friends can attend tomorrow. From year 5
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Friday, 18 October 2013
Tunisa fact's
10.78 million peaple live there 95% land and 5% water (Dose thatspruce you),more than 2% water is usid in tunisa.
rich peaple dild there houses out of brik and pore peaple bild there hoses out of what ever there what ever they can find(thats not fair)and some rich peaple give the pore peaple money and some rich peaple are so mean they don't give them 1p(isant that mean?).
by steven.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Friday, 6 September 2013
Are first week of year 5
On the first day I was not at school I was at Spain when I came back on Wednesday are teacher was mr clerc we worked on solids liquids and gas in science, we were trying to find out different types of solids liquids and gas.
Yesterday we were writing a recount about are holidays I was writing about are trip to Spain, when I went to Alton towers with Dylan and watching Liverpool matches like Liverpool vs stoke and Liverpool vs Aston villa.
Today we were downloading apps for the iPad like blogger, Alex, beebot, haiku deck, mathletics, grammar opolis, hopscotch, cargo bot, daisy dino, catos hike, kodable and pic collage. Some people played on manga high witch is like mathletics.
I liked this weak, it has been really fun.
By Jamie
My first day
Today we were learning with mr Clerc . Our new teacher. The very first thing we all did was sat down at our tables as mr Clerc talked about the year . He talked about we all have lockers,about we're the only class with two interactive white boards ! Also that the whiteboards are touch screen like iPads and you can write with different colours like blue,green,red and of course black.Then after break he talked about the half term then he asked us some questions and that's are morning
Starting year 5
On my first day back I came into school feeling great to come back to school with a fresh start.It was great seeing my friends after 5 weeks.Everybody was all chatting about what we did,the new lockers and what it would be like.
what we did with mr cleric
Mr clerc our new staff is really nice he does Great activities we learned about: solid liquid gas solid is a thing you cannot break liquid you can put your hand through but it's easier than solid gas you cannot see or touch but you can squash it by clapping or siting a gas flies around everywhere we also did English on what we did in the holidays I did my cousin Kieran when he came to my house for a sleepover we also did science in solid liquid gas we did maths online about s l g (s l g stands for solid liquid gas) it was like gas was in a tempreture microwave thing and it got so hot the lid flew off! By josh Cooke y5
Friday, 12 July 2013
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Monday, 8 July 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Ruby J's Diary/ Mark Zuckberg's Diary
Friday Febuary 10th
"Mark Mark, time to get up" mum shouted up the stais at exactly 6:07am. It was school. I hated school, but I loved ICT with my 4 mates, Chris, James, Andrew and Steve. We are always making computer programes and games and stuff. Once we made a page called Zucknet and its a bit like where you have your own profile page and you can have friends and chat. But some other people made the same thing and thier website was called Harvest connection. They claimed that Mark and his friends had stolen his idea so they took it to court. They decided to just keep both websites.
When we got to school our teacher told us to go to the ICT room and create somthing amazing as she knew we were really good. We created a really good page which is just like Zucknet but better. We didnt know what to call it and in the end we called it Facebook. now face book has over 1 million users!
"Mark Mark, time to get up" mum shouted up the stais at exactly 6:07am. It was school. I hated school, but I loved ICT with my 4 mates, Chris, James, Andrew and Steve. We are always making computer programes and games and stuff. Once we made a page called Zucknet and its a bit like where you have your own profile page and you can have friends and chat. But some other people made the same thing and thier website was called Harvest connection. They claimed that Mark and his friends had stolen his idea so they took it to court. They decided to just keep both websites.
When we got to school our teacher told us to go to the ICT room and create somthing amazing as she knew we were really good. We created a really good page which is just like Zucknet but better. We didnt know what to call it and in the end we called it Facebook. now face book has over 1 million users!
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Steve Jobs
Friday 15th May 1965
I`m so glad to be with my foster parents,Paul and Clara Jobs.My dad gave me up at birth
I don`t mind.My foster parents are so nice like today when I got top marks in science
and Clara said 'Steve, thats garte.I`ll make you a nice tea.' Mmm...I think that tea is cooking. Well I am going to swim in the pool.I to invent some thing big...
by Abbie
I don`t mind.My foster parents are so nice like today when I got top marks in science
and Clara said 'Steve, thats garte.I`ll make you a nice tea.' Mmm...I think that tea is cooking. Well I am going to swim in the pool.I to invent some thing big...
by Abbie
16th may 2013
Dear diary
Today is one of the hardest days of my life I have to leave my home for solford university.I am going to study physics it is going to be a hard tow weeks for sisters are crying at my feet.well anyway this morning was the worst.I came doun to breakfast and got a bowl and it smashed as soon as I had dodged it a big surprise came out of my sisters mouths.anyway I cleaned up the smashed bowl.
Now got to go and pack.
by Mark
Dear diary
Today is one of the hardest days of my life I have to leave my home for solford university.I am going to study physics it is going to be a hard tow weeks for sisters are crying at my feet.well anyway this morning was the worst.I came doun to breakfast and got a bowl and it smashed as soon as I had dodged it a big surprise came out of my sisters mouths.anyway I cleaned up the smashed bowl.
Now got to go and pack.
by Mark
I liked doing science so I won an award and carried on doing science and then I became famous so I started earning money and then I thought of a blackberry phone and there the best so I had millions of people buying my phones and then I was really rich and ive got every single Blackberry
The inventor of google
19th April 1979
Today I went to school I really hoped we would get some home work so I could hand it in with my word processor And we got some home work 100 years ago this is what I wrote really does anyone know what life was like a hundred years ago was there dinosaurs,cavemen did the cavemen ride the dinosaurs who knows what life was like a hundred years ago.I turned in my peace of home work and my teacher was amazed she gave me 5 gold stars!! hjuqgyuqbwyfhgbgebwcfr

Today I went to school I really hoped we would get some home work so I could hand it in with my word processor And we got some home work 100 years ago this is what I wrote really does anyone know what life was like a hundred years ago was there dinosaurs,cavemen did the cavemen ride the dinosaurs who knows what life was like a hundred years ago.I turned in my peace of home work and my teacher was amazed she gave me 5 gold stars!! hjuqgyuqbwyfhgbgebwcfr
Today in school i got some homework and my friend's was drawing funny pictures and i had an idea to make a website.The website i was thinking of was a Facebook website.We got into class and we were learning how to make a website and i couldn't think because in front of and behind me was two morons called Scott and Patrick.They were throwing paper to each other and it was scrunched up into paper ball's.It was up to me to put an end to it.I also had a friend called Chirag Gupta who also wanted to make a website called twitter but he didn't make it.:)
January 15th 1996
Dear Diary
Dear Diary
This Morning I had to wake up early because I promised to take Arielle to her friends house for the day if she did my washing up duty.Mum would take her but she is out of town,so I'm doing my little sister a favour and she'll do me one... Hopefully! Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, after my non-existent lie in I stumbled down stairs for breakfast (big mistake)because I was so drowsy I spilt milk all over the kitchen floor. After quickly tiding up the mess and getting dressed I called Arielle to go. Turns out yesterday night Arielle organised with her friend that they would actually meet up on the 19th instead. So when I went upstairs to get her she was fast asleep. Thanks Arielle. After finding out about this I called Harry to meet me at 2:00 to design Zucknet and went back to bed.By Isobel
Larry Page Diary
1984 May 19th Wensday
Yesterday , I was going to my primary school and i got some more homework and i said that more writing for me to do.So i went home that day and i thought i'll get my Dads word prosscer and use that it wont be really hard.I went to school the next day and i turned in my home work.My teacher was so impressed with me iprantely no onelse had ever in a primary school turned in there homework on a word processer.
1984 May 20th Thursday
My Mum was so proud of me that day because i was in the newspaper that morning.At school we did a technolgy lesson, I was really intrested in it and i decided what i wanted to do when im older.
By kaylah
1984 May 19th Wensday
Yesterday , I was going to my primary school and i got some more homework and i said that more writing for me to do.So i went home that day and i thought i'll get my Dads word prosscer and use that it wont be really hard.I went to school the next day and i turned in my home work.My teacher was so impressed with me iprantely no onelse had ever in a primary school turned in there homework on a word processer.
1984 May 20th Thursday
My Mum was so proud of me that day because i was in the newspaper that morning.At school we did a technolgy lesson, I was really intrested in it and i decided what i wanted to do when im older.
By kaylah
My diary post of Charles Babbage(father of computing)
Monday 1st June
Today I was doing some maths work for the School mathematician
club when I was rudely interrupted by my dad,he brought me a toy,It wasn't the best
toy ever.After I looked at it and I wanted to make something but better than
this old thing.I decided I would create something called a computer,it would be a electrical screen
that you can do millions of things on,It was a genius idea!
I rushed to the hardware store to get supply's, not that they would understand.
When I got home I couldn't wait.I did some planning for the rest of the day and
it was going to take a long time to make.
a diary by Steve Jobs
I was at work when i got the best idea yet.I would change the ipad with wifi to the ipad with wifi and 3g when my wife called and said my long lost sister was coming over.I don't really like her but the kids love her and her books.she thinks her knowledge is bigger than mine since i never graduated collage and she did!but when i got in she was there making a salad for me!
A diary by Mark Zuckerberg
Friday 19th March 2013
Dear Diary,
Today I just finished putting the final touches to my new website called " FaceBook." I haven't published it yet. I'm going to publish it next week. My parents said to me that they are very proud of me! My wife, Priscilla Chan, said she was proud of me too.
Dear Diary,
Today I just finished putting the final touches to my new website called " FaceBook." I haven't published it yet. I'm going to publish it next week. My parents said to me that they are very proud of me! My wife, Priscilla Chan, said she was proud of me too.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Friday, 17 May 2013
Christian Aid Week!
Christian Aid Week!
This week yr5 and yr6 have been setting the yr5 classroom up for Christian Aid Week , on the 17/05/13 thety will bring in some biscuits and other people from other classes will also bring in some donations.
This week yr5 and yr6 have been setting the yr5 classroom up for Christian Aid Week , on the 17/05/13 thety will bring in some biscuits and other people from other classes will also bring in some donations.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Metro link Mischief
Metro link Mischief!
There is a new Metro link being built in east Didsbury, the staff there are saying that the construction work will probably be done in May 2013.
The staff say that it is being built because some people don't have a car, they might get late for work if they go by bus because of the traffic. " I think that the Metro link is really good for commuters because it is quite fast and there's no traffic", Emma explained.
A lot of people have some really great comments about the new Metro link! "It's cheaper than petrol so if you don't want to waste your money just go to the new Metro link" Scarlet replied. Another comment about the new Metro link is: " It won't even disturb the neighbors so there are some good points about the Metro link being built" Lizzie exclaimed.
People who live near the Metro link are saying that it's also good for the enviorment and there will be less cars on the road. That also means there will be less pollution. " The club of Stockport have discussed that most tramlines make a lot of noise but this one doesn't", replied a member.
By Eliza.
There is a new Metro link being built in east Didsbury, the staff there are saying that the construction work will probably be done in May 2013.
The staff say that it is being built because some people don't have a car, they might get late for work if they go by bus because of the traffic. " I think that the Metro link is really good for commuters because it is quite fast and there's no traffic", Emma explained.
A lot of people have some really great comments about the new Metro link! "It's cheaper than petrol so if you don't want to waste your money just go to the new Metro link" Scarlet replied. Another comment about the new Metro link is: " It won't even disturb the neighbors so there are some good points about the Metro link being built" Lizzie exclaimed.
People who live near the Metro link are saying that it's also good for the enviorment and there will be less cars on the road. That also means there will be less pollution. " The club of Stockport have discussed that most tramlines make a lot of noise but this one doesn't", replied a member.
By Eliza.
Metro Mayhem
A new metro link appeared not to be opened at the right time due to an oversize amount of complains
that they blame you for!
Car manufactures disagree as "They will lose business,"was there last complaint leading to loss of jobs, which no one wants. Businesses such as Magic bus are having a hard time preparing for the new battle for costumers!
" No Patience takes us back to the start," mentions an angry council member. People will take advantage of getting everything so quick making people impatient and extra spiolt all due to the metro link!

by Isobel and Amy
A new metro link appeared not to be opened at the right time due to an oversize amount of complains
that they blame you for!
Car manufactures disagree as "They will lose business,"was there last complaint leading to loss of jobs, which no one wants. Businesses such as Magic bus are having a hard time preparing for the new battle for costumers!
" No Patience takes us back to the start," mentions an angry council member. People will take advantage of getting everything so quick making people impatient and extra spiolt all due to the metro link!
by Isobel and Amy
Metro link
The new metro link in east Didsbury manchester will be finished at 2013.
Manchester shopkeepers at selfedriges say " we will prefer the metro link than cars
because they will get more money at there shop " and more money will come into
Manchester so we can have more shops.
Eco friendly people can wait till there are less pollution on the roads.Less trees will die.
Plants will stay alive for longer less people will smoke because they will be a no smoking sign.
So there will hopefully be less fumes.
By Kaylah
The new metro link in east Didsbury manchester will be finished at 2013.
Manchester shopkeepers at selfedriges say " we will prefer the metro link than cars
because they will get more money at there shop " and more money will come into
Manchester so we can have more shops.
Eco friendly people can wait till there are less pollution on the roads.Less trees will die.
Plants will stay alive for longer less people will smoke because they will be a no smoking sign.
So there will hopefully be less fumes.
By Kaylah
tram tmrarma!!
the new metrolink is in east didsbury. the new tram line wiil open on may the 39th april 2013.
the new metrolink will be good for shops in manchester. this is because lots of people wil use the metro link to get into the city. a local shop lady said", I will look foward to it opininnig because lots of people will come who normally can't aford it".
the metrolink think they wil get alot of money out of it. the mannigre said",this will get more money for more trams.
this will be great for people who don't have a car. it has madde a chance to get out. and do things like eat out. a colige girl said",it will make it easer to get to colige.
Metro Madness
Metro Madness
On the 7th May hundreds of people started protesting about the new Metrolink.
Alot of people have been complaning that it only travels to and from Manchester.A bus driver quoted"My bus can take you anywhere across multiple places!".Bus fairs have gone down because of the new competition (the metrolink).Will the bus fairs keep going down?
Another thing that is bothering people is that the have cut hundreds of trees down to get the space for the new metrolink,they think it is wrecking the enviroment!Someone saild they tried to relocate the birds but the birds didn't survive.The eco goverment is not happy.
The final thing on thier mindswas noise pollution.It will not only annoy people but it will scare the."I feel ashamed of the people who are planning it".Bob explained.The noise will go through all Manchester.Will they be able to keep up with this?
By Adam T
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Character description
Daya is a young hebrew child who has a anoing older brother caled Gurion. Daya is always doing
chores and never gets out of the small tent they live in.Daya is a helpfull girl who loves her dads storys.Daya helps her mum a lot by cooking when she lookes after the neighbours children.Daya is always suspicious and very carful not to get cort or into trouble.
Daya is a young hebrew child who has a anoing older brother caled Gurion. Daya is always doing
chores and never gets out of the small tent they live in.Daya is a helpfull girl who loves her dads storys.Daya helps her mum a lot by cooking when she lookes after the neighbours children.Daya is always suspicious and very carful not to get cort or into trouble.
Thursday, 9 May 2013
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