Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ruby J's Diary/ Mark Zuckberg's Diary

Friday Febuary 10th
"Mark Mark, time to get up" mum shouted up the stais at exactly 6:07am. It was school. I hated school, but I loved ICT with my 4 mates, Chris, James, Andrew and Steve. We are always making computer programes and games and stuff. Once we made a page called Zucknet and its a bit like where you have your own profile page and you can have friends and chat. But some other people made the same thing and thier website was called Harvest connection. They claimed that Mark and his friends had stolen his idea so they took it to court. They decided to just keep both websites.

When we got to school our teacher told us to go to the ICT room and create somthing amazing as she knew we were really good. We created a really good page which is just like Zucknet but better. We didnt know what to call it and in the end we called it Facebook. now face book has over 1 million users!



  1. I really liked your post and you thought well about it. You should be very happy. Keep on posting and I am a bit like your post. Did you actually make this website?

  2. I realy liked this pice of work I like the way you use commars puncuation. It is very amezing but it is very important to use capitals for I's

  3. I really enjoyed your diary extract and thought it was really great that you enjoy using computers.

    But next time rememcer to join to words to make compound word for example face and book should be one word not two!

    st year five

  4. I like your blog but always do remember not to say the whole story for example do not say you got up then you went to the bathroom do not say that in it.

    Also remember you only put about for fullstops in a paragraph.

  5. Hello I liked you're diary it was very interesting you should be pleased with yourself
    and I loved how you impersonated those programers
    but,no offense, but you had 2 diffent ways of saying Facebook. This is your first time "Facebook" second time "face book" but all together I think you put lots of work into this.
    Alex from merseyvale

  6. I realley liked your direy but you may need more full stops i did realley love it but if i told that to someone then i would have to have a deep breath becouse if i didn't then the person who was listening would think why am I taking so many breaths also if you could get the main information and put it in a small bunch insted of it being a huge bunch.


  7. love it keep up the good work make sure you post stuff on our blog from olivia b

  8. I really liked your blog. Also remember to always think you are a brilliant writer. Do not be imbarresed.

  9. Hey man or lady who ever wrote this well done because i love it more than a pizza bite.

    Man or lady do not be embarrassed but YOU NEED TO SPELL RIGHT OK.
